Winner of the inaugural Finch Memoir Prize

Marzipan and Magnolias

A warm, humorous portrayal of a mother-daughter relationship and Lancaster’s struggle with multiple sclerosis.

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In Support of the Helpline

The other night Martin and I had dinner with two couples we’ve known forever.As Paul stood over the barbecue, he mentioned that after he’d assembled this brand-new Weber, he’d found the lid was cracked. He called the Helpline.

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We’re on Foehr, the island in the North Sea, where Martin’s parents spent their later years. Our kids used to call it the Snow White Island. Thatched-roofed cottages and fields dotted with lazy Friesian cows really do give it a fairy tale quality.

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This poignant, humorous story traces Lancaster’s complex relationship with her eccentric mother, and her own gradual acceptance of the illness that has stalked her for years.